LAST UPDATED: 26/01/2025
- You must have been on the server for at least 14 days before you will be considered for an animal ped application.
- If your application was denied, you must wait 7 days before you can re-apply.
- Phones are not allowed to be operated of any sort. Trackers do exist in the server and were created with animal peds in mind.
- Weapons are not allowed to be operated of any sort.
- Certain items do not make sense for an animal to use. Therefore you must use common sense in these situations. For example, 'Packaged Food' can be torn open using a '/me/ command, but also bandages would not be able to be applied without help from a human.​
- Similarly, certain actions would not make sense for an animal to make without further context. Common sense will also need to be used for this. For example, opening a car door on your own would not happen, however if you are inside a vehicle and the window is down, you could use ‘/me jumps out of window’ and that is fine.
- You must always have a reason for attacking, as well as showing signs beforehand. For example, you may attack if your caretaker commands you to, if you feel threatened, are directly attacked, or if your caretaker is being attacked, but you must keep in mind that animal bites do more damage than regular melee attacks, therefore showing aggressive signs before are imperative. For example, growling, showing teeth, etc.
- Animals are allowed to participate in crimes, however there are rules to follow for this.
- Any animal ped participating in a crime counts towards the 5 person rule.
- For an animal ped to have an active role within the crime, certain criteria needs to be met.
- If the criteria of a K9 Unit, on scene is not met, attacking officers and holding items is not acceptable and you will be subject to consequences. The process would be as follows:
- When police arrive, if there is an active K9 Unit available (Handler and K9), they would attach to the call.
- When a K9 Unit is attached to a crime that your animal ped is actively participating in, you have the permission to hold any illegal items (that are deemed possible to be held).
- Additionally, you will have the permission to use all the capabilities of your animal ped. Which include but is not limited to: running away and attacking Police Units.
- It is imperative to be reasonable when using these abilities while in a scene.
- Don’t overly attack a Police Unit unless your caregiver gives you a command, or if they are being harmed.
The rule above still stands that you still must always show warning signs before attacking.​​
- It is also important to note that if you decide to engage in aggressive behavior towards a Police Unit that they have every right to respond back aggressively. This can be by tasing, shooting, etc.
Lastly, please note that the criteria that needs to be met to have an animal ped actively participate in a crime will be within all Police Documentation and per their SOP’s will be required to inform everyone at the scene of the crime that if the animal shows aggressive behaviour that they will use force as necessary.