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LAST UPDATED: 26/01/2025


Establishing a gang must be done through the Gang Application. After you have applied it will be reviewed by a member of our staffing team.


- In order to represent colours and act as a gang, you must be accepted as a established gang. Acting as a gang otherwise may result in punishments.


- This application is to ensure that new gangs are documented and held accountable to provide solid content and community within the city.


- Not providing quality roleplay will result in your gang being forced to disband.


- The gang’s leadership will be given the role of gang leadership within the City Lights RP Discord and they will be expected to provide a link to their Discord and give admin permissions to a staff member.


This is a trial period in which your gang is looked at under a microscope.


- Group bans such as low quality role play and gunplay over roleplay can result in immediate disbandment.


- This ensures that new groups take the opportunity seriously, and makes sure their roleplay is up to the standard of City Lights Roleplay.​


Once you’ve finished your trial period, you’re still expected to hold yourself accountable but generally, group rulebreaks won’t result in your getting disbanded.


- Given that your roleplay permits it, you may receive access to the following clothing options where you will get a variant for each gender:


- 1 face mask design - custom colour/design

- 1 pocket flag design - custom colour/design

- 1 custom clothing item design - custom colour/design



Once approved, you’re considered an established and official gang in the server.


- Now you’ll have access to the following:


- 4 custom clothing requests per month (including collectable chains)

- MLO possibilities


- As an official gang in the server, you will also get anniversary extras as well for your gang to commemorate milestones of you getting approved.



Once your gang is at the rank of established, you may not have all of the things you feel you need to operate properly.


- To request items, clothing, etc. head to the #requests channel on the Gang Leaders category on Discord and write out what you are requesting and why.​


- This will only be accessible by the gang leader to keep communication clean.


- Please keep in mind that not all requests can/will be fulfilled if deemed not appropriate at the time or there is solid reasoning as to why the person's request is not being provided.


- Clothing is case by case and we ask for patience once a request is made to ensure all items perform well for the server and are appropriate for your gang's needs.


Each gang will have its own channel on the Discord for providing updates.


- You must be on the roster for 1 week before you can partake in any gang wars.


- You are responsible for updating your roster in your channel every Monday.


- If you leave a gang, you have to wait 2 weeks before joining another gang.


- Gangs are capped at 15 members maximum.


All members that actively represent your gang must be on the roster, this includes any hang around members or associates.


City Lights Roleplay staff maintains the authority to enact the suspension or disbandment of a gang in cases where rule violations are severe and/or pervasive.


- However, it’s important to emphasise that such measures are resorted to only in the most extreme scenarios and are not our primary intention or objective.


Gangs must be repping their colours during war or beef.


- Gang-on-gang issues should always be handled in colours and not blacked out.


- Clearly, and visibly identifiable from a distance.


- When you are at war, your entire group is at war, regardless if they want to be included or not. Unless there is a term that is set in the conditions that excludes any members wearing a specifically different attire.​


- However, if that is a term that is set and the person choses to instigate, they are fair game to be included in any open hostilities or violence from then on. Intentionally using this to break the 5-man or set number in terms will result in strikes.


- There is not currently a restricted car ban list in place, including imports, unless the car has bulletproof areas. This includes adding a spoiler, roll-cage or opening your trunk to make bulletproof areas.


- Use of any form of aircraft during beef/wars is prohibited unless otherwise stated in war terms.


- War should be the last option if all other viable RP routes have been taken to end things civilly, but there should be good reasoning behind the decision to go to war. Poor reasoning will be rejected and told to go RP more for solid reasoning.


- With a war, your entire gang is in the conflict. This means if you send 5 members out to fight and they all go down, you are still at risk.


- It’s perfectly acceptable to go to the block of an opposing gang in an attempt to ‘finish the job’. If you are the aggressor, you have 15 minutes from the last individual being downed to proceed to the opposing turf to ‘finish the job’.​


- Once war terms are set, a gang leader must create a ticket in the gang discord. But please be mindful of the following; 


- Staff do not ensure that terms are being followed, this is used more as communication to staff of the current status of the beef/war,

- Breaking war terms will result in an automatic loss for the war, unless the opposing side gives an exemption to the terms broken, 

- Everything is to only be done in-character, this should not be put anywhere else on any of the Discord channels.



- No salty/toxic behaviours. Examples of this would be, mag dumping a downed body, disrespectfully emoting on a downed body, camping at the hospital to rub salt in the wound, etc.


- Any other form of toxicity that may elude OOC is not allowed. For example, saying the following ‘spinning them until they don't wake up/fly in’.


- All wars need to have an end, as such, wars are limited to 2 weeks maximum.


- In war, if you are accused of cheating, or a clip’s integrity is in question and no footage is able to be provided then you cannot be in the 5-man group that is in the war. Integrity is important, therefore if undeniable evidence is brought forward of you cheating, you will be removed from the community.


- Temporary truces or assisting in fights between gangs is strictly not allowed unless this is specified as an agreed upon war term by both sides to allow such for the duration of the war only.


- You are free to be friendly/benefit monetarily from each other in terms of selling weapons, gear or other things.


- If there is an active war for an objective, no other group can interject and try to third party one of the groups in active war to be opportunistic and take the objective for themselves on the sly.


- Characters that you haven’t played in months or any benched alts cannot just randomly know all about a gang and join immediately. This would be considered Powergaming or FailRP and could result in a ban.


- Only one gang-affiliated character is allowed per person.


- There needs to be proper roleplay to have these characters be aware of what is happening and these characters will need to follow the exact same format of new characters that join the city.


- The above counts for groups in an existing war.


- Outside of wartimes, people may join freely through RP and discovery as per normal.


- There is a difference between intent to war and beef between gangs.


- Some groups will inherently have disrespects/issues with each other.


- Not every group is looking for hostile interactions to end in a shootout. Read the room of the situation and react accordingly.


- Baiting for beef can be considered Low-Quality Roleplay.


- Even at the end of a war, beef can continue, and beef can also escalate into a war if it becomes hostile and violent enough.


- Turf is an all-encompassing term to describe the foothold of a gang, it is where they usually live or control an objective.


- There are areas that cannot be considered turf, these are:


- Government buildings (PD buildings, EMS buildings, The Courthouse),

- Any player-owned businesses.


- If a gunfight breaks out between gang members, all parties there can shoot back. For example, if 12 ESB members are hanging out at a mechanic shop, then 5 GSF members choose to initiate a shootout, then all 12 ESB members can return fire.


- If a gang shootout is led onto a third party gang's turf, the third party may choose to interfere with the fighting.


​- Only the third party gang may initiate hostile action towards the other two parties.


- If the original two parties leave the turf, the third party cannot continue to engage.


- If the third party chooses to engage with the fight, they must act indifferent and engage both parties fighting. This is not a roundabout way to team up or get outside help.


- Any gang that exists within base GTA V is considered a Lore Gang.


​- These gangs usually come with pre-existing turf, colours and a general understanding of what can be followed in terms or rivalries.


- It is encouraged for these gangs to keep lore accurate within reason, but it is not limited to this.


- Any other kind of gang’s, especially original creations, will need to have decided on their group name, turf location and group colour before submitting their application.


- Gang’s are not owed specific turf, the turf you hold is a reflection of the RP you provide and determines what you’re given initially.


- Gang’s can only hold 1 objective at any given time, this ensures that everyone has the chance of holding down something of their own, without the worry of a ‘monopoly’.


- A spot you hold down/tax cannot be turned down for war terms, either you hold it down or you don't.


- These areas are controlled by that one particular gang, meaning that they have the ability to dictate who they see fit to be entering during war time and may defend their own turf with as many members as they have available, not needing to adhere to the 5-man standard rule, unless specified otherwise in terms. This does not include PD as it is already stated not to lead a chase to your turf. If this does happen, the 5-man standard rule still applies.


- If you initiate on a gang’s turf, bait the fight and leave the area, the gang that owns the turf can push everyone that was involved when this was initiated.


- Your fights should not bleed out too far from either side’s turfs.


- Try not to have open warfare out the front of Pillbox, if it does happen, try your best to bring it back to where it should belong. This is to limit the possibilities for innocents to be caught up in the crossfire, and also limits outside interference.


- Roleplay overall needs to be solid.


- Gang members direct the flow of hostile RP on the server almost entirely, aside from a few rogue crazy civilians.


- The reasons behind the actions you choose need to be solid.


- We do not want to see all out wars over someone accidently bumping into someone else's car.


- If you are actively in a war with someone and are spinning each other often, and setting up the fights, we are’t expecting any initiation unless stated otherwise in the agreed upon war terms.


- If you are not currently at war, initiation must take place. This can be done via calls, texts or face-to-face. Social media initiation will not be an acceptable form of initiation as this is Low Quality Roleplay.


- Given that when it comes down to gang initiating, fighting, warring, etc. it is when the most reports come in via tickets.


- It is an expectation that going into any situation that could develop into hostilities and fights that some form of recording software is running. This can be recorded directly to your computer or streamed. Examples of streaming platforms and recording software's are below: 


- Streaming platforms: Twitch, Kick, YouTube, Facebook Gaming, TikTok.

- Recording software's: OBS/SLOBS, Medal, NVidia Shadowplay, Gyazo Replay.


Staff require all participants to record fights and reserves the right to decide if a fight does not count towards a war’s score.


It is an expectation that the full recording of a war fight is available when requested and is not just a highlight reel of the kills. Failure to provide requested war footage may lead to a temporary restriction. Moreover, if clips are requested for a specific fight but cannot be provided, that fight will not contribute to the war’s score if won.


This is also applied to block pushes. Parties that choose to involve themselves in a block push are expected to have their POV when requested due to this being a planned attack. Additionally, if you are block pushed, it is not an expectation to be recording due to it not being initiated on your end.


Any situation where you’re calling to set up a fight should be recorded for any future footage requested.


- This ensures that if a claim is made against you, you have video proof of your side to compare with theirs.

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